The Friends you Don't Need on your Lists. By "Seph N Haven". Since we began the controversial Truth Project we have had as much push back as positive feedback, over the experience if have learned a few useful tricks to ensure your account does not get banned, restricted or limited in any way. You would assume that if you're motivated, dedicated and working hard on a task all those who see you at it would either A Leave you alone or B if your lucky show some interest in what you're working on so diligently. However you will find on a day to day basis a non stop flow of completely garbage nonsense that should never even become an issue if the person on the other end had a single shred of empathy or rationality.
One of the most annoying possible situations which arises is during the process of dumping your lists into your new groups without getting banned. When you perform a dump you will have a number of accounts which immediately throw a hissy fit, these accounts are not to be left for any duration of time, get rid of them. Dont look back. This will be one of the most common reasons why your account ends up being banned. It is 100% preventable.
The simple fact is if they do not want to see content from a group its 2 clicks and they never see it. But if the person decides they will leave the group it will make continued complications for you repeatedly as every time you attempt to add suggested accounts to a group Facebook deliberately populates people who have left and choosen option to never be added back again.
Some may recommend making a list for those who dont want it, i dont cater to those who cannot even manage making 2 simple clicks to prevent an altercation. Anyone so prone to aggression without Justification will always be a problem. Don't be their babysitter, just get rid of them. Once your group begins to grow you will end up with hundreds of these zombie accounts, what's worse is the vast majority of them deliberately report for being added to groups. You dont need the trouble. If they report for 1 arbitrary non reason they will do it for more, its acceptable to them.
"Monopoly Admins"
Another thing you will notice is these zombie accounts are very oftenly admins themselves of groups and the aggression is a shaming tactic to try and ensure the monopoly they hold which you need to have nothing to do with. They have an established group which no longer requires any work to grow and resort to shaming anyone trying, It threatens their positions which takes no effort but enables a gatekeeper status to feed their narcissism. I'm only interested in people looking to make a change, not hoard gold and souls to fill their coffers. You can go to church for that.
Next i would advise to always stay below 40 shares to groups per hour. If you hit 51 facebook will automatically impose restrictions on you, lengthening the penalty when happens in repetition until they begin giving month long bans from posting in groups. That will seriously slow down your abilty to grow. When sharing directly from a fan page this limit is further reduced to i think 10 or 20 but i never go about 8 just too be safe.
"You Have Too Many Pages Nagging"
Few people from your lists will complain about being invited to more than 1 page and again its the same policy as before, no time to cater to cry babies (Enjoy munching on your blue pills).
To prevent your group from being shut down and members constantly requesting censorship for content place a message at the top of the page(Pinned) requesting that members report posts to admins of the group instead of facebook directly. Any member requesting to censor any other person's posts immediately ban. If you cater to them your loosing someone else and in the future when you won't cater to them they will report posts to facebook anyways so dont give them a chance once they have showed you they are a false flagging F*ckNut.
"No Lifers"
You may also want to watch out for commenters on your posts bashing you, the post content or the process itself of trying to disseminate untampered data. They may complain as to such matters as the amount of posts you make, the type of posts you make or a list of other tell tale signs. Just get rid of them and move on. Anyone who has the time to sit around and harass anyone justly is not someone you need to give any time to.