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Every year we seem to draw closer and closer to that ever looming precipice, when the veil is lifted for all, where the point of no return reaches a tipping point to where those who wish to return under the rock, in which they avoid reality, can longer find refuge. It seems in only the past few years alone, thousands of free thinkers with the ability to help others in that transition from fantasy to fiction, have created a multitude of channels, networks and community’s that threaten the old propaganda beasts we commonly call the Main Stream Media. However, as this new challenger on the block continues to grow at what seems to be an unstoppable rate, the old beast, in a last ditch effort to maintain its dominance and control on the ever waking population, has begun to adapt in a way unforeseen by most.
This video is not about exposing the Mainstream media, nor does it show how governments around the world control those entities and corporations to push their large scale agendas. That has already been done numerous times and is well known by everyone associated in the vastly growing alternative world. What the video aims to do is to expose the cancer growing inside this community and to arm you with the knowledge of the patterns and techniques used by many of its agents and pawns, using examples we have found. This will enable you to not just know who may be manipulating and ling to you, but the ability to spot new and unexposed agents in the future. Some examples have been proven apart of fraud and government conspiracy and the evidence of that will be provided, however, keep in mind that not all people and organizations mentioned as an example are necessarily complicate or aware of the agenda they are possibly propagating. It is important to use the information here as a guideline when deciding for yourself, who to trust, and who not to trust.
In all of this, I often ask myself, “What is the number one thing to look for when dealing with possible agents of deceit”. That answer is rather simple given the complexity of each individual case “What is their agenda?” Now I know that sounds rather vague, and in many cases seem hard to pin down, but, if you are truly dealing with an agent of deceit, or even in some cases, someone who has happened to fall prey to the deceit, an Agenda will be present. It really is as simple as that. There is no effect without cause, and when that effect is Fraud, whether that is fallacy of principle, false information, or as simple as failing to uphold the truth to appease the masses. Fraud is defined as “intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another, to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right” This definition applies to every person or group we classify as the “Fake Alternative Media”
So what are these Agendas? We already know that government agendas vary far and wide and diverse enough to fit every group of people, every style of thinking, and every form of belief. Again, these have already been proven, and don’t think for a second your sect of living is free of its reach. That line of thinking is naive and dangerous, but you already know that, in fact most of you wouldn’t be here listening to this if you didn’t understand it.
When problem solving, and this issue is one I’m trying to solve, I always follow Occam’s razor which is typically defined as “the simpler the better” So when dealing with Agendas of those who use deceit, I narrowed it down to three main category’s. Now these categories often cross over to where a person or group fits either two or all of these categories, but without a doubt, an agent of deceit will fit in at least one of these three categories.
Category 1, Discredit and Divide.
As most of you know, in 1967 the CIA coined the term Conspiracy Theory made public in 1976 by a Freedom Of Information Act Request for CIA Document 1035-960. The Document lays out a detailed series of actions and techniques for “countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries.” The CIA also instructed its members “[t]o employ propaganda assets to [negate] and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose.”
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Now this wasn’t start of the government’s program to deceive the public and protect its image, nor was it the last, but it was the first major spark caused by the publics questioning of the Warren Commission Report into JFKs Assassination that set the stage for what we are dealing with today.
Fast forward 50 years to today. We still have these media outlets controlled by the U.S government and other countries around the world, however, with today’s technological advancements with the internet and the devices that connect us to it, we have more access to information and sources of all people than ever before. This has created a playing ground in which any and every one can have a voice, leading to a majority rule scenario among common think of people who share ideas free of the once government controlled media outlets we were once confined to.
In response, the government started to implement these same tactics used in Document 1035-960, adapting to the ever changing environment to furlong its psychological grip on the population to continue its Parasitism through the Federal Reserve, enforced by the Military industrial complex. This requires a majority complacency that can only continue if its host (the American people) remains unaware of the cancerous and criminal nature of its parasite. This first came in the form of Debunkers, which, despite the wealth of evidence in the Truther community, claim the opposite and make it a goal to destroy the character of the Truther. Now when these debunkers first enter the community, they do so agreeing with most or all of the commonly agreed upon facts as they grow their audience, Such as 9/11 and the role Zionists play in our government
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Later, as they grow a substantial following, with enough income to self-sustain, then have a dramatic change of tune. These types of Discreditors are often called Gatekeepers, and are often where most people first get into the so called “Truth Movement”.
Just like Major Food and Drink Company’s which are largely in bed with the government, so too are these major Media corporations. Both depend on us to remain unaware of GMO cancers or fake news cancers we are digesting mentally and physically. It is impossible for companies to continue on their path as they have, with the rate at which people are waking up to the deception. An example of how the world's largest soft drink company Coca-Cola has dealt with its drop off in sales in recent years as people became more conscious of the negative affects its products was having on their health. They bought the Glaceau Water Company, then launching new products labeled as “Vitamin Water” and “Smart Water” not making it clear to the buyer that it was a Coke product. This in turn allowed them to retain a percentage of the very same people who stopped drinking coke who were now under the impression that their drink was “Smart” and “Healthy”, when in reality is just as bad as coke, even in the case of Smart water in which its Distillation process strips it of all nutrient’s, making it acidic, which over time causes cancer and other complications.
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This process is called “Customer Recycling” and is being used not only for food, drink and other products, but for major Media Corporation’s as well. For example, Alex Jones,or Infowars which happens to be the prime example in most cases, is an under the radar subsidiary of Time Warner, which also owns CNN which everyone knows is the mouth piece of the CIA, which starts to make sense when you realize that at least 6 members of Alex Jones family where in or worked with the CIA.
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Luckily there are many of us that see past this first layer of defense, even when these so called “truthers” turn on us when we get too close to the truth. This was made evident by the Sandy Hook case, which to this day is one of the clearest cases of outright hoaxing to push a political agenda to attempt take our freedoms.
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Now anyone who was a part of exposing the Hoax with REAL evidence was quickly attacked and had their videos taken down over and over. The best example of that was both FreeRadioRevolution and RedSilverJ, Also known as TeamWakeEmUP who in all cases had any video that gained traction and started to go viral, removed on false grounds. Its funny how the only videos let through was spotty misinfo by Infowars and other suspicious channels which in turn lead to other popular youtube channels debunking their purposely incorrect claims. Once again, covering their ass.
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Following Sandy Hook, we had a rise in self-proclaimed truthers. Those, for both good reasons and bad, poured into youtube, filling the web after every major publicized event with videos claiming that said event, was a Hoax. Now this created a problem for new people in the community. As often the case these poorly researched and low quality claims often times were off the mark and even outright wrong. This lead for the open-minded but gullible to either give up and return to their Coke Main stream media, or to spread the poorly researched content in good faith. It is my personal belief that at least some of these people were paid trolls, however, regardless of if they are or not, they can be some of the most destructive people to the image of real truthers. So with that in mind, we like to call these people Useful Idiots. Two good examples of this would be Peekay Truth who is currently down, and Russianvids
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but those are not the worst of it, in fact, what came next was to set the president of who people associate anyone who questioned the government with. These, are the Flat Earthers.
Right around the end of 2014, a new type of divide strategy was launched and took the truth community by storm, leaving many of us dazed and confused as to how it even happened. It Started out harmless, several new channels were questioning NASA, which has hidden key information for years from the public and out right lied just like any government organization. Where the problem arised however, was when they all, almost like clockwork started pushing the absolute nonsense which is the Flat Earth. Many of these channels started on the same week, some followed in the next few months, and even some totally converted their old channels into completely Flat Earth only channels. This all happened in just a few months. Now these began embedding themselves into the Truth community, any and every way they could, taking any chance to speak, to where truthers were gullible enough to allow them. They moved quickly and in mobs from Truth channel to truth channel, forum to forum and about anywhere with a public chat to spread their new found wisdom of Flat Earth.
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Now with having knowledge of how the CIA operates and tools even people in the public can use such as sites like Fiverr, where you can buy all the Views, likes, comments and subscribers you could ever want, then what is it for the CIA to do the same? Many including myself are convinced the Flat Earth movement was nothing more than a Psyop to Divide and Discredit the truth movement. As our original website which is short for The Controversial Truth Project, was one of the few calling this out, At the same time we created the Youtube channel for the site, this Channel was launched, to seemingly smear our good name. They know our distrust in government and even the state embedded accepted Science. So to play on this, the Flat Earth model was a perfect scheme for anyone open minded, yet not driven enough to research the supposed truth given to them. This played especially well in the Religious truth movement which played on Christians, Muslims and even Jews, misinterpreting scripture and claiming that Flat Earth is proof of creationism. Let it be known to all my Religious follower’s that there is no need for a Flat Earth to believe in God, and who are we to limit the capability’s to that of a fishbowl?
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The Flat Earth movement, AKA Discredit and Divide Psyop is still going strong and by far the best implementation of this Category’s Agenda. Don’t believe me? Test it . Go right now and make a video disproving the Flat Earth Theory like many of my friends and others have, with absolute proof, showing their Lies and manipulations as well as tactics of deception. Within hours your video will be swarmed like fly’s to a corpse with Hundreds, if not thousands of empty puppet accounts, disliking, flagging and commenting the most outrageous claims, astro turfing discontent. This is to give the Illusion that the majority of the Truth community, or at least a large percentage believes the Earth is Flat, which just isn’t the case. It Also gives Main Stream Media and even the Fake Alternative Media and easy blanket reason to attack and discredit us, Because the best way to stop you from learning the truth, is to discourage you from seeking it, in the first place.
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Now it’s not just the flat Earth, in fact there are dozens of similar topics that have poped up in a similar fashion such as Dino Hoax, Mandela Effect, and even the Giant Trees conspiracy that claims many mountains are giant fossilized tree stumps.
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These, just like the Flat Earth Psyop, play the same role and have similar aggressive followings that shut down all discussion on Truther forums.
So you may be wondering, who are the major players in this and who to watch out for? It’s simple, If they push the Flat Earth and similar theory’s that have been proven a Psyop, stay away. If you are subscribed to me and believe in the Flat Earth, this channel is not for you. You have been fooled and need to sit down and revaluate who you have put your trust into. You are just falling into the trap that’s been laid for you. But before you unsubscribe and dislike this video leaving a copy and paste comment, consider this. What did you ever expect to achieve with the Flat Earth movement, what positive change, even if it were true would it make. The answer is this, no matter the shape of the world, you and me are still stuck on it, being oppressed by Tyrannical governments and even if you are right, it only benefits the government that enslaves you. That is the truth.
Category 2, The Duality Trap
The number one issue not only with the Truth community today, but with humanity as a whole is that, we have a tendency to make everything in life a duality. This urge to make everything and every situation into black and white is the reason we are in this situation in the first place. There is either a right way or a wrong way…No, that simply is just not true. There Is always a large number of ways to solve a problem, some are more efficient than others in certain situations, however in another situation, another way might work better. I know I sound like I’m badgering and that you already know this, but so many of us fail to understand that this applies to most things we face in life.
Governments and those who seek to abuse the power they have long understood our tendencies to adhere to these false dichotomy’s. This is why the founding fathers made it so clear in the case of parties in government, that (quote) “However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.” This was stated by George Washington in his farewell address where he also stated 9 more times that political parties will lead to corruption. He wasn’t the only one, almost every major signer of the constitution expressly made it clear of their fear of the united states divided into parties. “There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” ~John Adams
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As everyone knows, America is a basically a two party system. What people don’t know in many cases is that, this system is put in place to keep us divided and to prolong an illusion of choice. This is called the Left Right Paradigm.
The same system is at work in the Alternative media, keeping us divided on points that will never advance our cause and only disrupts any progress we make. This is done first by quickly establishing a line between certain key topics, for example the recent riots in Charlottesville Virginia, where you had the proven paid Black Lives Matter VS the likely paid for “Neo Nazis” who were carrying Nazi flags they just bought off amazon from china. We had Trump being sent out to Condemn both sides very Cleary, then followed up by the controlled left Mainstream and left Alt media claiming he didn’t Really condemn them, which sparks the Alt Right media to attack the Alt Left for trying to call trump a Nazi, which in turn reassures the followers of the left of their bias that the right is truly racist. These types of events are to create a heated and divided atmosphere, to keep the people fighting each other, rather fighting their oppressors. All sides including Neo-Nazis, Progressives, Liberals, Republicans, and Socialists are still forms of Socialism and all forms have been responsible for the killings of millions of people.
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This is true for a large portion of the Alternative Media; in fact, this category composes the majority of the agents of deceit, as well as those who fall for the trap of the left right paradigm. Even though the ones who fall for this trap are good willed in most cases and are not intentionally spreading false information, these people can be the most damaging due to them thinking they are doing right which promotes a feeling of honesty to their followers, thus spreading the false information further. That is why we also call these people “Useful Idiots” Now it’s not so important for me to point out these useful idiots as you will be able to decide for yourself with the information given, however I will give examples of some of the key players that this source information is coming from.
People often think that for someone to be controlled opposition or
a useful idiot, they have be untruthful with everything they put out. Well you see that’s the deadly mistake we often make, in fact, the worst agents of deceit are those who mix in truth with lies as not to alarm you with the lie. Just like leading sheep to the slaughter. These next channels are all guilty of promoting our zio controlled government while trying to seem like various forms of Alternative media to appeal to people waking up. First let’s look at the Liberal Side of this.
Something almost all these channels have in common is that, they make it their main goal to portray the opposite political party as the main cause to all their countries problems. That if some how they would be a part of their form of socialism, things would be better. Yes, this goes for both sides.
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Something to be noted about the name “The Young Turks” is that it was a group of socialist that took over the Ottoman Empire and carried out the Armenian Genocide which killed around 1 million Armenians, give or take from 1915-1918.
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I agree with many of Secular talks videos, but he is still a part of the left right paradigm.
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Democracy Now has also been promoting US imperialism through promotion of the terrorist group “The White Helmets”
Someone who also promotes this is TheLipTV, pushing a Ukrainian propagandist’s documentary who also promoted the overthrow of the Ukrainian government.
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But whats most interesting about TheLipTV is that they are allied with The Young Turks, but not only that, they are also allied with their polar opposite TheNextNewsNetwork. Which ties us in to the so called Alt right side of things.
The Next News Network has to be the most obvious one in the Category opposite
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Something else they are very efficient at is fear porn: Shaping their followers minds to beg the government to save them from the non existent threat as it commits war crimes around the world.
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The Next News Network is not alone in this fear porn trend, in fact its rather common
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On the topic of fear porn, one of the best tactics used is again with Religion with “end time prophecy”, the amount of people promoting this is massive, so I will just stick to a few.
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Something else that is used against Christians in particular is the lie that Israel belongs to the Jews, which in reality is the Zionists posing as Jews, almost cheerleading them as they commit war crimes daily.
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Funny thing about Rebel media is, even though we have already exposed them as Zionist shills before, its seems as recently, they began to have trouble in paradise as all of their members left, exposing the head, Ezra Levant as a money grabbing scam artists. Which leads us to our last category?
Governments and those who seek to abuse the power they have long understood our tendencies to adhere to these false dichotomy’s. This is why the founding fathers made it so clear in the case of parties in government, that (quote) “However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.” This was stated by George Washington in his farewell address where he also stated 9 more times that political parties will lead to corruption. He wasn’t the only one, almost every major signer of the constitution expressly made it clear of their fear of the united states divided into parties. “There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” ~John Adams
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As everyone knows, America is a basically a two party system. What people don’t know in many cases is that, this system is put in place to keep us divided and to prolong an illusion of choice. This is called the Left Right Paradigm.
The same system is at work in the Alternative media, keeping us divided on points that will never advance our cause and only disrupts any progress we make. This is done first by quickly establishing a line between certain key topics, for example the recent riots in Charlottesville Virginia, where you had the proven paid Black Lives Matter VS the likely paid for “Neo Nazis” who were carrying Nazi flags they just bought off amazon from china. We had Trump being sent out to Condemn both sides very Cleary, then followed up by the controlled left Mainstream and left Alt media claiming he didn’t Really condemn them, which sparks the Alt Right media to attack the Alt Left for trying to call trump a Nazi, which in turn reassures the followers of the left of their bias that the right is truly racist. These types of events are to create a heated and divided atmosphere, to keep the people fighting each other, rather fighting their oppressors. All sides including Neo-Nazis, Progressives, Liberals, Republicans, and Socialists are still forms of Socialism and all forms have been responsible for the killings of millions of people.
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This is true for a large portion of the Alternative Media; in fact, this category composes the majority of the agents of deceit, as well as those who fall for the trap of the left right paradigm. Even though the ones who fall for this trap are good willed in most cases and are not intentionally spreading false information, these people can be the most damaging due to them thinking they are doing right which promotes a feeling of honesty to their followers, thus spreading the false information further. That is why we also call these people “Useful Idiots” Now it’s not so important for me to point out these useful idiots as you will be able to decide for yourself with the information given, however I will give examples of some of the key players that this source information is coming from.
People often think that for someone to be controlled opposition or
a useful idiot, they have be untruthful with everything they put out. Well you see that’s the deadly mistake we often make, in fact, the worst agents of deceit are those who mix in truth with lies as not to alarm you with the lie. Just like leading sheep to the slaughter. These next channels are all guilty of promoting our zio controlled government while trying to seem like various forms of Alternative media to appeal to people waking up. First let’s look at the Liberal Side of this.
Something almost all these channels have in common is that, they make it their main goal to portray the opposite political party as the main cause to all their countries problems. That if some how they would be a part of their form of socialism, things would be better. Yes, this goes for both sides.
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Something to be noted about the name “The Young Turks” is that it was a group of socialist that took over the Ottoman Empire and carried out the Armenian Genocide which killed around 1 million Armenians, give or take from 1915-1918.
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I agree with many of Secular talks videos, but he is still a part of the left right paradigm.
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Democracy Now has also been promoting US imperialism through promotion of the terrorist group “The White Helmets”
Someone who also promotes this is TheLipTV, pushing a Ukrainian propagandist’s documentary who also promoted the overthrow of the Ukrainian government.
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But whats most interesting about TheLipTV is that they are allied with The Young Turks, but not only that, they are also allied with their polar opposite TheNextNewsNetwork. Which ties us in to the so called Alt right side of things.
The Next News Network has to be the most obvious one in the Category opposite
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Something else they are very efficient at is fear porn: Shaping their followers minds to beg the government to save them from the non existent threat as it commits war crimes around the world.
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The Next News Network is not alone in this fear porn trend, in fact its rather common
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On the topic of fear porn, one of the best tactics used is again with Religion with “end time prophecy”, the amount of people promoting this is massive, so I will just stick to a few.
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Something else that is used against Christians in particular is the lie that Israel belongs to the Jews, which in reality is the Zionists posing as Jews, almost cheerleading them as they commit war crimes daily.
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Funny thing about Rebel media is, even though we have already exposed them as Zionist shills before, its seems as recently, they began to have trouble in paradise as all of their members left, exposing the head, Ezra Levant as a money grabbing scam artists. Which leads us to our last category?
Category 3, Profiteers
It is important to note that asking for monetary support or even making profits off of Journalistic work in this field is perfectly fine and doesn’t inherently make you a scammer or a shill. People have to live and we have to be able to compete with larger media companies, however, being in this line of work for the sole purpose of making profits almost always leads to non-principled actions and the manipulation of facts and stories that best benefit your pocket book.
In the recent example of Rebel media, a former co-worker came out giving some very clear cases of Rebel extorting its followers for cash.
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It is also important to note that this guy, just in case you follow him on YouTube, is also extorting Rebel media for the same cash in an attempt to branch off and create a liberal “Truther” channel.
One of the most cancerous examples of this category is David Seaman. David Seaman came onto the scene in 2007 when working for Jezebel media company where he was fired for his “Self-promotion” and pulling fake stunts such as the “Free Paris Hilton” protest, the editor later chatted with him after his firing to where he went on to state who he admired “Self-promotional whore Cindy Sheehan” who “used the death of her son {to} become Famous” He later went on to write a book called ‘Dirty Little Secrets of Buzz’ where he lays out how anyone can become rich and famous if they protest and sensationalize something, even if it’s not what they believe in, if it’snot true, or even if they have to make it up. After poor success with his book, he later decided to run for congress in 2012, launching an Ask Me Anything AMA on Reddit with the intention of raising funds. After raising enough money he then promptly dropped out, if he even applied for the race like he said to begin with.
We later find the Seaman showing up on the Joe Rogan podcast as a political/crypto currency expert where as soon bitcoin goes down in stocks, seaman used the fact that he was let go to create Buzz.
We later saw this same thing happen when he was freelancing for The Washington Post. He started writing articles about Hillary Clinton's health knowing full well the post would pull his article, to where he created his “buzz” saying they “fired him” which is not true being that he was working for free and only one article of his was removed leaving his profile online. He then used this buzz to build up his youtube following. Using this, he then became an affiliate for a shady new company Bitgold who had just bought the company Goldmoney. This company which is owned by an Israeli named Roy Seabag is under the same format of holding physical Gold for people to access at will. However, every company under this model since 2012 has been taken down for fraud to where they don’t have the actual Physical gold to back the money people give them, is this company an exception? Well after promoting Bitgold alongside Bitcoin as if they were just as reliable as each other for a while making enough money off affiliate links to go to the super bowl and other expensive trips, along came PizzaGate.
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Unlike other Pizzagate researchers, David never did any research of his own, David just shared others peoples work and asked for donations, even if the work was spotty, wrong and even made up. Any and every time anyone called him out for this, he attacked their channel with community guideline strikes in order to take down their channel. The more people questioned him, the more he continued to expose himself, now resulting to Astro Turfing in order to keep his donations coming in.
Instead of supporting people who are there to just profit and puts morals and principle behind, listen to and support real researchers such Titus Frost who has down some of the best work on the topic.
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Now, I could go on and on about people in this category especially with Info Wars who know that the real answer to 1986 is $17.76 but I think this example covers most of the key points, and the category in itself is pretty self-explanatory.
In conclusion, take these examples and learn from them, don’t force yourself to rely on people like me to expose these people to you when you have the common sense and knowledgeability to do it for yourself. Do your own research and become free of the traps society has laid down before you because before you can trust anyone else, you must first trust in yourself.
Continue to keep your eyes open, and as always, this has been Tyranny Unmasked.
In the recent example of Rebel media, a former co-worker came out giving some very clear cases of Rebel extorting its followers for cash.
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It is also important to note that this guy, just in case you follow him on YouTube, is also extorting Rebel media for the same cash in an attempt to branch off and create a liberal “Truther” channel.
One of the most cancerous examples of this category is David Seaman. David Seaman came onto the scene in 2007 when working for Jezebel media company where he was fired for his “Self-promotion” and pulling fake stunts such as the “Free Paris Hilton” protest, the editor later chatted with him after his firing to where he went on to state who he admired “Self-promotional whore Cindy Sheehan” who “used the death of her son {to} become Famous” He later went on to write a book called ‘Dirty Little Secrets of Buzz’ where he lays out how anyone can become rich and famous if they protest and sensationalize something, even if it’s not what they believe in, if it’snot true, or even if they have to make it up. After poor success with his book, he later decided to run for congress in 2012, launching an Ask Me Anything AMA on Reddit with the intention of raising funds. After raising enough money he then promptly dropped out, if he even applied for the race like he said to begin with.
We later find the Seaman showing up on the Joe Rogan podcast as a political/crypto currency expert where as soon bitcoin goes down in stocks, seaman used the fact that he was let go to create Buzz.
We later saw this same thing happen when he was freelancing for The Washington Post. He started writing articles about Hillary Clinton's health knowing full well the post would pull his article, to where he created his “buzz” saying they “fired him” which is not true being that he was working for free and only one article of his was removed leaving his profile online. He then used this buzz to build up his youtube following. Using this, he then became an affiliate for a shady new company Bitgold who had just bought the company Goldmoney. This company which is owned by an Israeli named Roy Seabag is under the same format of holding physical Gold for people to access at will. However, every company under this model since 2012 has been taken down for fraud to where they don’t have the actual Physical gold to back the money people give them, is this company an exception? Well after promoting Bitgold alongside Bitcoin as if they were just as reliable as each other for a while making enough money off affiliate links to go to the super bowl and other expensive trips, along came PizzaGate.
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Unlike other Pizzagate researchers, David never did any research of his own, David just shared others peoples work and asked for donations, even if the work was spotty, wrong and even made up. Any and every time anyone called him out for this, he attacked their channel with community guideline strikes in order to take down their channel. The more people questioned him, the more he continued to expose himself, now resulting to Astro Turfing in order to keep his donations coming in.
Instead of supporting people who are there to just profit and puts morals and principle behind, listen to and support real researchers such Titus Frost who has down some of the best work on the topic.
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Now, I could go on and on about people in this category especially with Info Wars who know that the real answer to 1986 is $17.76 but I think this example covers most of the key points, and the category in itself is pretty self-explanatory.
In conclusion, take these examples and learn from them, don’t force yourself to rely on people like me to expose these people to you when you have the common sense and knowledgeability to do it for yourself. Do your own research and become free of the traps society has laid down before you because before you can trust anyone else, you must first trust in yourself.
Continue to keep your eyes open, and as always, this has been Tyranny Unmasked.
Written By Tyranny Unmasked