Last year around this time I was walking my dog and made a prediction that it would be the last year global warming cultism could stand, for the following year we would begin to notice the sun's cooling pattern has begun, which now two weeks of little solar activity on the face of the Sun has led experts to believe that we are on the brink of a new ice age.
I told a number of people, but i don't find it a surprise as the pattern was apparent from the data sets that the planet's temperature is almost entirely derived from the direct output of the sun.
This 2 week low in activity being less than 1% of the sun's output is predicted by experts to affect global temperatures by a drop of up to 3degress.
2 Weeks.
You never noticed a change.
Drop in 3 degrees.
From less than 1%.
Being worried about global warming is laughable especially when one thinks back on the science about mini ice age which was only 1.3 degrees global drop. Reports:
This 2 week low in activity being less than 1% of the sun's output is predicted by experts to affect global temperatures by a drop of up to 3degress.
2 Weeks.
You never noticed a change.
Drop in 3 degrees.
From less than 1%.
Being worried about global warming is laughable especially when one thinks back on the science about mini ice age which was only 1.3 degrees global drop. Reports:
According to Nasa, there have been no sunspots on the surface of our star in two weeks, leading to predictions the solar minimum has begun early.
The sun follows cycles of roughly 11 years where it reaches a solar maximum and then a solar minimum.
During the former, the Sun gives off more heat, and less in the latter.
By observing the sun through Nasa’s powerful Solar Dynamics Observatory spacecraft, experts have noticed there has been very little activity.
The last time that there was a prolonged solar minimum, it led to a ‘mini ice-age’, scientifically known as the Maunder minimum.
The Maunder minimum began in 1645 and lasted through to 1715, where sunspots were exceedingly rare.
During this period, temperatures dropped globally by 1.3 degrees celsius.
Although it seems insignificant, it led to shorter seasons and ultimately food shortages.
Vencore Weather, a meteorological website, said: “Low solar activity is known to have consequences on Earth’s weather and climate and it also is well correlated with an increase in cosmic rays that reach the upper part of the atmosphere.
“The blank sun is a sign that the next solar minimum is approaching and there will be an increasing number of spotless days over the next few years.”
Proof that a new ice age has already started is stronger than ever, and we couldn’t be less prepared
Was the title of an article in 2016 predicting that the next ice age would not start to begin until 2060 in which it highlights we have no preparation whatsoever as the entire globe is on a mission to provide the opposite of what will be needed in what i'm starting to see as the world's largest planned observation event of its kind.
Reported December 22, 2016
Was the title of an article in 2016 predicting that the next ice age would not start to begin until 2060 in which it highlights we have no preparation whatsoever as the entire globe is on a mission to provide the opposite of what will be needed in what i'm starting to see as the world's largest planned observation event of its kind.
Reported December 22, 2016
“The New Little Ice Age Has Started.” This is the unambiguous title of a new study from one of the world’s most prestigious scientific institutions, the Russian Academy of Sciences Pulkovo Observatory in St. Petersburg. “The average temperature around the globe will fall by about 1.5 C when we enter the deep cooling phase of the Little Ice Age, expected in the year 2060,” the study states. “The cooling phase will last for about 45-65 years, for four to six 11-year cycles of the Sun, after which on the Earth, at the beginning of the 22nd century, will begin the new, next quasi-bicentennial cycle of warming.”
Habibullo Abdussamatov, the head of space research at Pulkovo and the author of the study, has been predicting the arrival of another little ice age since 2003, based on his study of the behaviour of the Sun’s different cycles and the solar activity that then results. His model — informed by Earth’s 18 earlier little ice ages over the past 7,500 years, six of them in the last thousand years — led to his prediction more than a decade ago that the next little ice age would occur between 2012 and 2015. Unlike the global warming models of scientists, which were soon disproved by actual measurements, Abdussamatov’s models have been affirmed by actual events, including the rise of the oceans and the measurable irradiance sent earthward by the sun. This record of accuracy — which he has repeatedly demonstrated in studies between 2003 and now — leads him to now confidently state that in 2014–15, we began our entry into the 19thLittle Ice Age.
An underheated planet is a real threat humans have actually faced
Abdussamatov was once a lonely voice in the view that Earth could be embarking on a prolonged cooling spell due to solar, not manmade, factors. No longer. Because sunspots are eerily disappearing from the face of our sun — just as they disappeared during the Little Ice Age in the late 1600s — speculation of another cooling period has been widespread by bodies such as the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and the Riken research foundation. Last year, a team of European researchers unveiled a scientific model at the National Astronomy Meeting in Wales predicting a “mini ice age” from 2030 to 2040 as a result of decreased solar activity.
For one thing, we can deep freeze dreams of economically exploiting the vast energy wealth of the Arctic Ocean, which geological surveys indicate is the richest in petroleum of all the oceans. The conventional belief that global warming would soon melt the Arctic, and make economic the large-scale infrastructure needed to operate in its inhospitable environment, had many in the oil industry — and in governments — gearing up to claim their share of this new frontier. Their dreams will now need to be set aside for the cold century ahead.
The “upcoming new Little Ice Age will have a very serious impact” on energy security, Abdussamatov explains, because “deep cooling in the new Little Ice Age in the middle of this century would make it almost impossible to exploit offshore fields and pump oil and gas tens to hundreds of kilometres from the coast at depths of hundreds of meters.” Freezing conditions will also curtail energy developments elsewhere over many decades, elevating the need for energy conservation in a much more heat-needy world.
But Earth’s new climate will affect much more than the energy sector. Abdussamatov leaves us with a dire warning.
“The world must start preparing for the new Little Ice Age right now. Politicians and business leaders must make full economic calculations of the impact of the new Little Ice Age on everything — industry, agriculture, living conditions, development. The most reasonable way to fight against the new Little Ice Age is a complex of special steps aimed at support of economic growth and energy-saving production to adapt mankind to the forthcoming period of deep cooling.”
An overheated planet has never been a threat, say climate skeptics, not today, not ever in human history. An underheated planet, in contrast, is a threat humans have repeatedly faced over the last millennium, and now we’re due again.
“The upcoming climate change will be the most important challenge and a priority issue for the world and define the main events in politics, the economy, and the most important areas of the whole of humanity in the coming decades,” Abdussamatov concludes. It’s time we took the threat of climate change — of the real climate change — seriously.
Adapt 2030 is a youtuber I follow on the regular (Seph N Haven). His videos are filled full of articles from around the world omitted by the mainstream corporate media, the real inconvenient truth, that global cooling is on the way. The Real depopulation plan i would take it as. Why kill us all off when we will just freeze or starve.
This fact is actually well known and simply covered up for what I assume is a handful of conveniences for various elitist groups and interest.
Planned Obsolescence: "or built-in obsolescence in industrial design and economics is a policy of planning or designing a product with an artificially limited useful life, so it will become obsolete (that is, unfashionable or no longer functional) after a certain period of time." A very real and common problem in the modern day explained very well in "THE LIGHT BULB CONSPIRACY", a Documentary detailing a method which of Corporations use to collude in a cartel type fashion to provide not competitive products, but instead ones that may maximise their profit making, together in grand conspiracy over the populations they serve.
On the back end of the interest such as depopulation proponents, banking interests and a whole array of other possible players pushing it along but the fact of the matter is we have known for almost my entire life or longer an ice age was on the way and it was solely the false marketing of business interests that has kept it locked down with the public thinking the reverse.
Here is a documentary from 1988 (I'm born 87) explaining that global warming is almost an impossibility by the so called greenhouse effect as any overabundance of heat on the planet increases water evaporation, giving us more clouds and cooling the effect, very simply it balances out.
But that is not the same as the sun all out lowering its output for up to 90,000 years as it generally does in predictable times on a electric type fashion.
Planned Obsolescence: "or built-in obsolescence in industrial design and economics is a policy of planning or designing a product with an artificially limited useful life, so it will become obsolete (that is, unfashionable or no longer functional) after a certain period of time." A very real and common problem in the modern day explained very well in "THE LIGHT BULB CONSPIRACY", a Documentary detailing a method which of Corporations use to collude in a cartel type fashion to provide not competitive products, but instead ones that may maximise their profit making, together in grand conspiracy over the populations they serve.
On the back end of the interest such as depopulation proponents, banking interests and a whole array of other possible players pushing it along but the fact of the matter is we have known for almost my entire life or longer an ice age was on the way and it was solely the false marketing of business interests that has kept it locked down with the public thinking the reverse.
Here is a documentary from 1988 (I'm born 87) explaining that global warming is almost an impossibility by the so called greenhouse effect as any overabundance of heat on the planet increases water evaporation, giving us more clouds and cooling the effect, very simply it balances out.
But that is not the same as the sun all out lowering its output for up to 90,000 years as it generally does in predictable times on a electric type fashion.
Green Energy is a Charter For Crooks And Liars. The Scam Must End Now
When is the rest of the Western world going to catch up with Donald Trump and point out that the green emperor is wearing no clothes?I ask as a concerned UK taxpayer absolutely sick to death of the vast sums of money that continue to be funnelled into the pockets of crooks, liars, spivs, chancers, con-artists and fantasists in the name of solving the non-existent problem of “climate change.”
Let me give you some examples of what I mean.
Wales’s £18 million tidal energy flop
If there’s one thing everyone who thinks of themselves as reasonable and well-informed knows, tidal power is the thing. How do they know this? Well, because they’re aware that wind and solar power have their flaws but their hearts tell them that renewable energy must be a good thing because it’s clean and it’s free so therefore they’ve decided to pin their hopes on the technology whose crapness hasn’t been tested yet – and that means tidal.
Also they’ll have read thinly-disguised press releases like this article First full-scale tidal generator in Wales unveiled: Deltastream array to power 10,000 homes using ebb and flow of the ocean and gone: “Well they wouldn’t print stuff like that unless it were true, would they?”
But now, surprise surprise, this tidal project – subsidised to the tune of £8 million by the European Union, with another £500,000 from the Welsh government – is lying in ruins on the Pembrokeshire sea bed because the company that ran it – Tidal Energy Ltd – has gone into administration. It failed after just three months of operation.
This is a problem all too familiar with so many projects in the renewable energy sector: see also Solyndra and Abengoa, for example. Because the unreliable, expensive power they produce is not commercially viable, they fold as soon as the government subsidies dry up. But we’re not supposed to mind about public money being squandered in this way because, hey, it’s green and the intentions were good.
Northern Ireland’s £1 billion Renewable Heat Incentive disaster
In 2012, in order to boost renewable energy usage the Northern Irish government hit on the brilliant scheme of subsidising businesses to the tune of a £160 rebate for every £100 they spent on fuels, such as wood pellets, burnt in biomass boilers. Naturally, every business with any sense piled in to grab a piece of this free money.
As the Times(£) reports, this had unintended consequences:
Flaws in the scheme were exposed by a whistleblower who said businesses were buying biomass boilers solely to collect the subsidy. The whistleblower alleged that one farmer expected to make £1 million over 20 years for using a biomass boiler to heat an empty shed, while heating a number of empty factories would net their owner £1.5 million.
Northern Ireland’s auditor-general, Kieran Donnelly, says the RHI had “serious systemic weaknesses from the start” because it did not have the built-in spending controls imposed on a similar scheme in Great Britain. He added that the scheme was vulnerable to abuse and possible fraud.
Now taxpayers face a bill of over £1 billion, £490 million payable by Northern Ireland, the rest by taxpayers in England, Scotland and Wales.
The great £216 million anaerobic digester scam
Anaerobic digesters are machines that turn crops into fuel, by converting agricultural waste into methane which is fed into the national gas grid. This is a very expensive way of producing energy – and just the sort of thing Jonathan Swift was satirising three centuries ago when his Academy of Laputa in Gulliver’s Travels devised schemes to extract sunbeams from cucumbers.
But in the anaerobic digester case, a gullible British government – the useless Cameron/Clegg Coalition to be specific – actually decided that sunbeams from cucumbers was such a good idea that they’d massively subsidise it through the Renewable Heat Incentive. Naturally, like cockroaches to a rotting carcass, the usual rent-seekers – among them wind turbine developer Dale “Dog On A Rope” Vince have piled in to take advantage of all that free money.
But as David Rose has reported, the Anaerobic Digester business is yet another dodgy eco scam. First there’s not enough agricultural waste to fuel these machines, so instead crops – such as eco-unfriendly maize – are being grown specifically to provide fuel them. A government report has described this as “not a cost-effective means of biomethane production.” No, indeed. Methane gas produced in this way costs three-and-half times as much as that from fossil fuel sources.
On top of this, these AD industrial plants can be highly polluting – both in the form of increased traffic (just one project by Dale Vince’s Ecotricity will involve 12,792 extra “vehicle movements” per year in a hitherto tranquil rural area) and in the form of leaks, like the one that contaminated 70 acres of this farmer’s land. Oh, and it can also cause explosions like the one that blew up a containment tank at Harper Adams agricultural college two years ago.
Wind turbine sickness
Seven families from Banteer, N. Cork in Ireland are set to win a multi-million Euro landmark court ruling in an out-of-court settlement in a long-running case against a German wind turbine manufacturer. They sued because of the damage done to their health by the infrasound and low frequency noise produced by the wind turbines sited near their homes.
This scandal has been simmering for years. I have been reporting since 2012 on the damage to human and animal health caused by wind turbines. But the renewables industry – worth an annual $300 billion – has many powerful vested interests and has persistently sought to cover its tracks with threatening legal letters, gagging clauses, and lavishly funded propaganda by industry trade bodies.
What’s significant about this Irish case is that it now sets a global precedent for further legal action around the world. If I were an investor, I seriously wouldn’t want to be exposed to the wind industry right now: it could face class actions as heavy as the one against Big Tobacco. Although I have no control over the investment strategy of my hedge fund CoolFutures, one of the things I hope it will be doing is shorting wind turbine shares.
I once got into trouble with Australia’s incredibly politically correct press complaints commission for quoting a sheep farmer who described wind farm developers being as bad as paedophiles. I would hereby like to apologise to paedophiles for any offence that may have been caused by this disgusting analogy.
The ruination of mid-Wales
I urge you to sign this petition. All right – so it’s the normally ghastly 38 degrees but this is a cause worth supporting: the preservation of some of the matchlessly beautiful rural Welsh landscape which is threatened with destruction by a massive wind turbine development being foisted on it by the eco-loons in Wales’s Mickey Mouse pretend parliament the Welsh Assembly.
The area involved is at least 600 square miles of the Radnor Hills from the Brecon Beacons all the way to the Shropshire Border. This is planning on a massive scale.
The previous round of wind generations proposals was widely debated and resulted in the so called TAN 8 allocations in areas deemed to be of minimum environmental impact. These new proposals are for an area fifteen times larger, with no Environmental Impact Assessment.
What is being proposed is the expansion of the alternative energy target for our area from 50 megawatts to 600 megawatts. This is an eye-watering hike. The deployment of wind-power on this scale in to the national grid will necessitate the construction of huge windmills (the size of the London Eye) and the installation of ranks of pylons to take their output in to the grid system.
This Grid presently goes from Gloucester to Shrewsbury and then in to Newtown, and from Gloucester to Cardiff. Pylons would have to march up our valleys into all our hills in the designated areas. Access Roads spurring off trunk systems would have to be built up to each windmill, and the depth of concrete footings under each mill (more than 50 feet) would have long term effects on water tables. So the visual effect of the windmills themselves are the least of our worries!
I could, of course, provide many, many further examples of the waste, corruption and environmental damage caused by politicians in cahoots with Big Green. But I think these are more than enough to be going on with.
In the decade or so that I have been covering the Great Green Climate Scam I have often been ridiculed and marginalised by colleagues in the mainstream media as a tin-hat conspiracy theorist. Speaking out against the excesses of the environmental movement has damaged my career, it has damaged my health, it has caused massive upset to my family and it has taken me down an alley where the story has begun to seem so boring and repetitive that every day feels like groundhog day.
But I don’t have the slightest regret about any of this because – like all the dedicated souls, journalists, bloggers, scientists and think tankers who have suffered similarly in this cause – I have done my small bit in a war worth fighting. Pretty soon, now, we are all going to be totally vindicated when Donald Trump assumes office and starts the chain of events which will make it almost impossible for the green boondoggle to continue.
Here is what strikes me as bizarre: we are now at the point where the evidence against the man-made global warming scare has reached critical mass – yet hardly any of our institutions appears to have caught up with the fact.
In the mainstream media, for example, there remain still only a handful of publications prepared to express scepticism about the global warming scare. Our schools and universities are almost completely ideologically warmist.
So too are many institutions – corporations, law firms, trade bodies. So too are the vast majority of churches, of all denominations. So too is almost all local government. So too are significant number of politicians, not just left-wing and green ones, but ones who profess to be conservatives and really ought to know better.
To all these people, I have some questions:
In the light of the examples I have given above – and remember these are just the tip of the iceberg – how comfortable do you feel with your ongoing support for green policy?
Does the warm, gooey feeling you get from championing green causes still offset the damage you now know – demonstrably and incontovertibly – is being done in the name of saving the planet from global warming?
Do you think it’s right, fair or just that inefficient, expensive industries with no environmental benefit should continue to be favoured by government fiat, to the benefit of rent-seeking troughers and to the detriment of ordinary taxpayers, the working poor most especially?
When are you going to apologise to those of us who have been pointing this stuff out for years?
What actual value have professional subsidy-troughers like Dale Vince ever actually created in order to justify their multi-million pound fortunes?
And – one for Theresa May, here: you’re supposed to be a Conservative, a fount of commonsense and a champion of the poor, advised by a man, Nick Timothy, who supposedly totally gets what an enormous scam environmentalism is. So when, exactly, are we going to see some hard evidence of this in the form of actual policy?
When is the rest of the Western world going to catch up with Donald Trump and point out that the green emperor is wearing no clothes?I ask as a concerned UK taxpayer absolutely sick to death of the vast sums of money that continue to be funnelled into the pockets of crooks, liars, spivs, chancers, con-artists and fantasists in the name of solving the non-existent problem of “climate change.”
Let me give you some examples of what I mean.
Wales’s £18 million tidal energy flop
If there’s one thing everyone who thinks of themselves as reasonable and well-informed knows, tidal power is the thing. How do they know this? Well, because they’re aware that wind and solar power have their flaws but their hearts tell them that renewable energy must be a good thing because it’s clean and it’s free so therefore they’ve decided to pin their hopes on the technology whose crapness hasn’t been tested yet – and that means tidal.
Also they’ll have read thinly-disguised press releases like this article First full-scale tidal generator in Wales unveiled: Deltastream array to power 10,000 homes using ebb and flow of the ocean and gone: “Well they wouldn’t print stuff like that unless it were true, would they?”
But now, surprise surprise, this tidal project – subsidised to the tune of £8 million by the European Union, with another £500,000 from the Welsh government – is lying in ruins on the Pembrokeshire sea bed because the company that ran it – Tidal Energy Ltd – has gone into administration. It failed after just three months of operation.
This is a problem all too familiar with so many projects in the renewable energy sector: see also Solyndra and Abengoa, for example. Because the unreliable, expensive power they produce is not commercially viable, they fold as soon as the government subsidies dry up. But we’re not supposed to mind about public money being squandered in this way because, hey, it’s green and the intentions were good.
Northern Ireland’s £1 billion Renewable Heat Incentive disaster
In 2012, in order to boost renewable energy usage the Northern Irish government hit on the brilliant scheme of subsidising businesses to the tune of a £160 rebate for every £100 they spent on fuels, such as wood pellets, burnt in biomass boilers. Naturally, every business with any sense piled in to grab a piece of this free money.
As the Times(£) reports, this had unintended consequences:
Flaws in the scheme were exposed by a whistleblower who said businesses were buying biomass boilers solely to collect the subsidy. The whistleblower alleged that one farmer expected to make £1 million over 20 years for using a biomass boiler to heat an empty shed, while heating a number of empty factories would net their owner £1.5 million.
Northern Ireland’s auditor-general, Kieran Donnelly, says the RHI had “serious systemic weaknesses from the start” because it did not have the built-in spending controls imposed on a similar scheme in Great Britain. He added that the scheme was vulnerable to abuse and possible fraud.
Now taxpayers face a bill of over £1 billion, £490 million payable by Northern Ireland, the rest by taxpayers in England, Scotland and Wales.
The great £216 million anaerobic digester scam
Anaerobic digesters are machines that turn crops into fuel, by converting agricultural waste into methane which is fed into the national gas grid. This is a very expensive way of producing energy – and just the sort of thing Jonathan Swift was satirising three centuries ago when his Academy of Laputa in Gulliver’s Travels devised schemes to extract sunbeams from cucumbers.
But in the anaerobic digester case, a gullible British government – the useless Cameron/Clegg Coalition to be specific – actually decided that sunbeams from cucumbers was such a good idea that they’d massively subsidise it through the Renewable Heat Incentive. Naturally, like cockroaches to a rotting carcass, the usual rent-seekers – among them wind turbine developer Dale “Dog On A Rope” Vince have piled in to take advantage of all that free money.
But as David Rose has reported, the Anaerobic Digester business is yet another dodgy eco scam. First there’s not enough agricultural waste to fuel these machines, so instead crops – such as eco-unfriendly maize – are being grown specifically to provide fuel them. A government report has described this as “not a cost-effective means of biomethane production.” No, indeed. Methane gas produced in this way costs three-and-half times as much as that from fossil fuel sources.
On top of this, these AD industrial plants can be highly polluting – both in the form of increased traffic (just one project by Dale Vince’s Ecotricity will involve 12,792 extra “vehicle movements” per year in a hitherto tranquil rural area) and in the form of leaks, like the one that contaminated 70 acres of this farmer’s land. Oh, and it can also cause explosions like the one that blew up a containment tank at Harper Adams agricultural college two years ago.
Wind turbine sickness
Seven families from Banteer, N. Cork in Ireland are set to win a multi-million Euro landmark court ruling in an out-of-court settlement in a long-running case against a German wind turbine manufacturer. They sued because of the damage done to their health by the infrasound and low frequency noise produced by the wind turbines sited near their homes.
This scandal has been simmering for years. I have been reporting since 2012 on the damage to human and animal health caused by wind turbines. But the renewables industry – worth an annual $300 billion – has many powerful vested interests and has persistently sought to cover its tracks with threatening legal letters, gagging clauses, and lavishly funded propaganda by industry trade bodies.
What’s significant about this Irish case is that it now sets a global precedent for further legal action around the world. If I were an investor, I seriously wouldn’t want to be exposed to the wind industry right now: it could face class actions as heavy as the one against Big Tobacco. Although I have no control over the investment strategy of my hedge fund CoolFutures, one of the things I hope it will be doing is shorting wind turbine shares.
I once got into trouble with Australia’s incredibly politically correct press complaints commission for quoting a sheep farmer who described wind farm developers being as bad as paedophiles. I would hereby like to apologise to paedophiles for any offence that may have been caused by this disgusting analogy.
The ruination of mid-Wales
I urge you to sign this petition. All right – so it’s the normally ghastly 38 degrees but this is a cause worth supporting: the preservation of some of the matchlessly beautiful rural Welsh landscape which is threatened with destruction by a massive wind turbine development being foisted on it by the eco-loons in Wales’s Mickey Mouse pretend parliament the Welsh Assembly.
The area involved is at least 600 square miles of the Radnor Hills from the Brecon Beacons all the way to the Shropshire Border. This is planning on a massive scale.
The previous round of wind generations proposals was widely debated and resulted in the so called TAN 8 allocations in areas deemed to be of minimum environmental impact. These new proposals are for an area fifteen times larger, with no Environmental Impact Assessment.
What is being proposed is the expansion of the alternative energy target for our area from 50 megawatts to 600 megawatts. This is an eye-watering hike. The deployment of wind-power on this scale in to the national grid will necessitate the construction of huge windmills (the size of the London Eye) and the installation of ranks of pylons to take their output in to the grid system.
This Grid presently goes from Gloucester to Shrewsbury and then in to Newtown, and from Gloucester to Cardiff. Pylons would have to march up our valleys into all our hills in the designated areas. Access Roads spurring off trunk systems would have to be built up to each windmill, and the depth of concrete footings under each mill (more than 50 feet) would have long term effects on water tables. So the visual effect of the windmills themselves are the least of our worries!
I could, of course, provide many, many further examples of the waste, corruption and environmental damage caused by politicians in cahoots with Big Green. But I think these are more than enough to be going on with.
In the decade or so that I have been covering the Great Green Climate Scam I have often been ridiculed and marginalised by colleagues in the mainstream media as a tin-hat conspiracy theorist. Speaking out against the excesses of the environmental movement has damaged my career, it has damaged my health, it has caused massive upset to my family and it has taken me down an alley where the story has begun to seem so boring and repetitive that every day feels like groundhog day.
But I don’t have the slightest regret about any of this because – like all the dedicated souls, journalists, bloggers, scientists and think tankers who have suffered similarly in this cause – I have done my small bit in a war worth fighting. Pretty soon, now, we are all going to be totally vindicated when Donald Trump assumes office and starts the chain of events which will make it almost impossible for the green boondoggle to continue.
Here is what strikes me as bizarre: we are now at the point where the evidence against the man-made global warming scare has reached critical mass – yet hardly any of our institutions appears to have caught up with the fact.
In the mainstream media, for example, there remain still only a handful of publications prepared to express scepticism about the global warming scare. Our schools and universities are almost completely ideologically warmist.
So too are many institutions – corporations, law firms, trade bodies. So too are the vast majority of churches, of all denominations. So too is almost all local government. So too are significant number of politicians, not just left-wing and green ones, but ones who profess to be conservatives and really ought to know better.
To all these people, I have some questions:
In the light of the examples I have given above – and remember these are just the tip of the iceberg – how comfortable do you feel with your ongoing support for green policy?
Does the warm, gooey feeling you get from championing green causes still offset the damage you now know – demonstrably and incontovertibly – is being done in the name of saving the planet from global warming?
Do you think it’s right, fair or just that inefficient, expensive industries with no environmental benefit should continue to be favoured by government fiat, to the benefit of rent-seeking troughers and to the detriment of ordinary taxpayers, the working poor most especially?
When are you going to apologise to those of us who have been pointing this stuff out for years?
What actual value have professional subsidy-troughers like Dale Vince ever actually created in order to justify their multi-million pound fortunes?
And – one for Theresa May, here: you’re supposed to be a Conservative, a fount of commonsense and a champion of the poor, advised by a man, Nick Timothy, who supposedly totally gets what an enormous scam environmentalism is. So when, exactly, are we going to see some hard evidence of this in the form of actual policy?
Lawrence Pierce a retired lawyer, author and farmer and the author of two books,
'The Art of Fixing Things' and his most recent 'A New Little Ice Age Has Started'.
David DuByne of ADAPT 2030 interviews Larry Pierce Author of discussed what to expect over the coming years in terms of food prices, altered science to show warming, food substitution alternatives, historical mini ice ages and the effects and growing your own food so you can be prepared.
'The Art of Fixing Things' and his most recent 'A New Little Ice Age Has Started'.
David DuByne of ADAPT 2030 interviews Larry Pierce Author of discussed what to expect over the coming years in terms of food prices, altered science to show warming, food substitution alternatives, historical mini ice ages and the effects and growing your own food so you can be prepared.
Now recapping to the most recent event of 2 weeks of low activity which has given rise to concern finally With Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) decreasing, galactic cosmic rays increasing causing more cloud cover globally and measurable decreases in output of our Sun, it is apparent that the new mini ice age / grand solar minimum has commenced.
David Evans also predicts a 0.3C drop beginning 2017 to occur, which will leave the IPCC in serious damage control as the planet won't be the warmest year ever.
We need to look to the Electric Sun model to explain the changes and begin the discussion of how we as species are going to adapt to the changes that repeat every 400 years.
David Evans also predicts a 0.3C drop beginning 2017 to occur, which will leave the IPCC in serious damage control as the planet won't be the warmest year ever.
We need to look to the Electric Sun model to explain the changes and begin the discussion of how we as species are going to adapt to the changes that repeat every 400 years.
ELECTRIC Sun Documentaries
Adapt 2030
Adapt 2030
- What Our Sun Looks Like Entering a Mini Ice Age.
- Lawrence Pierce, New Little Ice Age Has Started Interview.
More Top Scientists Forecast a Repeat of the 1600's Maunder Minimum.