It is safe to concur that the reason Israel wants the U.S out of the Iran deal is to pull the U.S into a war as their proxy. The deal has a number of factors that prevent this as we explain in the video.
Written By Tyranny Unmasked
It is safe to concur that the reason Israel wants the U.S out of the Iran deal is to pull the U.S into a war as their proxy. The deal has a number of factors that prevent this as we explain in the video. Written By Tyranny Unmasked
1 Comment
April 2018
The Controversial Truth Project "Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie" - Musashi Miyamoto Started February 2016 by a small group of truth disseminators bringing you the facts from across the globe to this day. Copyright 2017 © WWW.CON-TRU.COM All Rights Reserved. |